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Xilinx Zybo zybo_base_system (QSPI boot)
Xilinx Zybo zybo_base_system (QSPI boot) Xilinx Zybo zybo_base_system example 참고. ProjectGuide의 아래 내용 참고. To build the FSBL (for booting from microSD) do the following: 1) Perform steps 1-5 above. (Xilinx Zybo zybo_base_system example 참고) Source를 추가하여 자동적으로 build 되고 base_demo.elf가 생성되는 부분까지. 2) Create a new Application project and name it fsbl. Create a new Standalone C Board Support package for it. Select "Zynq FSBL" as the type. 4) Copy fsbl_hooks.c from the fsbl folder included with this package into the fsbl/src folder of your new Zynq FSBL project. Allow the existing file to be overwritten. 5) The project will now automatically build, and fsbl.elf will be created. 6) Project explorer에서 base_demo를 선택한 상태에서 Create Boot Image 메뉴 선택. 아래와 같이 설정. 7) Xilinx - Program Flash Memory 선택 Image file ex) C:\Users\obh19\workspace\xilinx\Zybo\base_demo\bootimage\BOOT.bin FSBL file ex) C:\Users\obh19\workspace\xilinx\...
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